
Showing posts from April, 2017
BAKING CLASSES FOR SENIOR CITIZENS      According to our Indian burocratic system, you are retired after the age of 58. This age old practice is being followed blindly since the British raj. Today, due to advance in the field of medicine people are hail and healthy till the good old age of 90 years.There is a question about what we are going to do after retirement? Going for a holiday & pilgrimage is only temporary.Visiting children can happen only for a brief period.What next?      Th is is the time to start your second innings. Stop the excuses.Consider ‘home baking’ as your next hobby or passion or a profession by itself. It is extremely soul satisfying. It is therapeutic and you have to experience the joy of baking.Nothing like a well baked Home-made bread.You will find satisfaction in producing a good bread and also the appreciation you get is soul satisfying.You need 4 hours to produce a good quality bread. In that 4 hours, you forget all your ailment